Nicole Boyar

Is it LOVE or is it LOVE ADDICTION? 

Well if you have to ask…..

Let’s start here: 

What is love addiction anyways? Let’s break down the words.

Addiction: Continually repeating the same behavior despite the negative consequences. 

Yup, it’s that it. Pretty straightforward. 

Now what about the LOVE part? 

Well, this is where I call bullshit. Cause it’s actually not love you’re addicted to at all. 

What you’re addicted to is needing something, someone, anything (possibly anyone) externally to make you feel okay. Cause you don’t know how to get that I’m okay feeling on your own. It’s that compulsive, need it, must have it, can’t stop, even if I know it’s bad for me, energy. And if you know what I’m talking about you know it’s brutal. 

That’s love addiction. And it fucken sucks.

Fortunately, there is another way. I promise.

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What Does Love Addiction Coaching Look Like?

I’m going to meet you where you’re at. Cause wherever you are, I’ve probably been there. And if not, I’ve worked with someone who’s been there. I know that darkness and it ain’t cute. It’s not the kind of place you want to post up and hang out. So let’s get you the f out and fast! 

Here are the kinds of things we can work on together: 

Getting out of an unhealthy relationship AND STAYING OUT!

In so deep you can’t imagine a way out? I know the path. Let me guide you.

Rewiring Your Patterns

The Science and Psychology of YOUR Love Addiction 

Withdrawal Bootcamp 

30 Days To Becoming Human Again

Healthy Love 

WTF is that? Some sort of non-existent unicorn fairy? A step by step how to date post recovery.

If this is resonating, let’s chat.

In the meantime, here are some resources to explore...

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a good starting point. Keep in mind much of this was made in the 80s so it can be a bit outdated and very clinical. So take it all with a big grain of gentleness to yourself.

Try out their 40 question self diagnosis quiz HERE

Check out the SLAA 12 Characteristics of Sex + Love Addiction HERE
